Parasummer 2005, July 9-16:
the rules

REQUIREMENTS for JUMPERS. The jumpers have to meet or exceed the FAI requirements for a B-category certificate. Reserves must have been packed no more than 6 months prior to the last day of the boogie. All rigs will be inspected by our riggers and will be tagged if compatible. Make sure to bring your log-book, certificate of proficiency or license (FAI, USPA or national), as well as reserve repack and cypres (if you have one) check documents. If you want to freefly make sure to have BOC, not ROL or similar, no loose pouches either please. Students, who haven't yet met the B-category requirements, can also jump in case they have a written permission of an instructor of their home drop zone and they are able to fully control their movement in freefall and under canopy.

FLIGHT SAFETY. Minimum pack opening altitude is 700 m AGL. Never fly over the runway below 300 m AGL. Left-hand landing pattern unless otherwise said during line-up. No hook turns allowed if you have less than 500 jumps or affect the safety of others. Don't spiral down right above the landing area.

PAYMENTS and RETURNS. Pre-registration fees must be paid in full before 1st of July. In case you have to cancel your trip before this time, you will be refunded the full amount paid minus 20 €. No refund for later cancellations. Unused jump tickets can be refunded during the last day of the boogie. If you leave early, sell them to your friends.

AUTHORITY. The Organisers can set additional rules if necessary. In case of any disagreements with the Organiser's decisions, you can talk to Veela, the Chief Organiser. Her decisions are final.